
Mini Program provides a method for mobile program embedded in the mobile app, with the following features:

  • Low learning curve as it is based on web technologies
  • One code project supports both iOS and Android platform, close to the native experience
  • Built-in rich components and APIs (such as access to user info, local storage, payment function, etc.)

This tutorial is designed to get you started with developing a Mini Program quickly.

The Overview of Mini Program Access Process

The lifecycle of Mini Program covers from the developer account creation to Mini Program publish.

  1. You can register a developer account on the Mini Program Developer Platform. Upon logging in, ask the workspace admin to assign a role for you: Mini Program admin or normal Mini Program Developer.
  1. If you are a Mini Program admin, you can apply to create Mini Program on the Mini Program Developer Platform and submit the Mini Program particulars, including but not limited to: name, description, logo image, etc. After successful creation, a unique identifier will be assigned to the newly created Mini Program. If you are a normal Mini Program developer, the Mini Program admin can add you as a member of a Mini Program.
  1. Mini Program developer develops and debugs Mini Program in Mini Program Studio.
  1. Mini Program developer uploads the code package from the Mini Program Studio to the Mini Program Developer Platform, then the Mini Program admin can apply for publishing a new version of the Mini Program.
  1. Workspace admin reviews the application.
  1. If the review is approved, then the Mini Program admin can release the Mini Program.
  1. Finally, the users can open the Mini Program in the app.

Quick Start Content

Developers can learn more about Mini Program in the Quick Start documentation:

  • Apply for an account.
  • Run the first Mini Program quickly by using the demo available in the Mini Program studio.
  • Know more about the Mini Program project structure.
  • According to the project structrue knowledge, learn more about the demo Mini Program.
  • Learn how to publish a Mini Program.