Page Configuration

In the directory /pages, the .json file is used to configure the window display of the current page. The page configuration is much simpler than the app.json global configuration. It is possible to set the window related configuration items only but it is not necessary to write the window key. The page configurations are prior to global configurations.

The window configurations are the same as Global Configuration and support the following points additionally:

  • Supporting the optionMenu configuration navigation icon, which triggers onOptionMenuClick on clicking  However, please note that the optionMenu configuration will be deprecated.
  • Supporting titlePenetrate to set the navigation bar click-through
  • Supporting barButtonTheme to set the navigation bar icon scheme

Complete configurations

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDescriptionMinimum version
optionMenuObjectNOSet extra icon of navigation bar, supporting attribute icon with value as icon URL (starting with https/http ) or base64 string, suggested size 30*30 pxBase library 1.3.0
titlePenetrateBOOLNOSet navigation bar click-through-
barButtonThemeStringNOSet navigation bar icon scheme, “default” for blue icon or “light” for white icon-

Here is a basic example:

    "optionMenu": {
    "icon": ""
    "titlePenetrate": "YES",
    "barButtonTheme": "light"